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Story: Sister Mary ( Episode 5 ). - www.ossceolofofo.com

Sister Mary.


Episode 5 .
I walked into the Pastor's Office to meet
the pastor, his wife, Mary and a church
elder discussing happily. They all smiled
at me as i walked in. The pastor quickly
stood up, offering his hand for a handshake.
"my heart is overjoyed. Sister Mary's
testimony really made my day. I'm so
happy for you. She's a wonderful woman.
You are blessed" he said as we shook
hands, while his wife and Mary nodded happily.
I was filled with rage, very angry with the
pastor for not even giving me the
opportunity to confirm Mary's testimony.
Perhaps he did it with good faith,
because he might have felt Mary wouldn't have
announced our relationship in the church
if i never sanctioned it. I bit my lips,
nodding like a drugged rat. The church
elder stared at me strangely, his eyes
fixed on me as if he was seeing a vision. "i have to pray for God's favour on you
and on our dear sister, though you still
will need to keep an appointment with me
on saturday. There are lots of things we
to discuss, because as you know, you are not yet a full fledged member of this
church" he said, smiling at me, before
signalling to his wife, Mary and the elder
stand up for prayers.After the long prayer,
i hurridly left the office, leaving Mary rudely behind as i dashed for my car
where my friend was waiting for me.
Jboy couldn't help but laugh his heart
out as i sadly told him all that went
through in the pastor's office.
"o boy i can't wait to be your bestman" he laughed."i go smash your head.
Imbecile" i barked jokingly.
Ten minutes later, I dropped him at his
apartment before heading to mine. I really
wasn't in the mood for anything, not even
to listen to jboy's solution. All i wanted was just to sleep and think over my life.I
was about dozing off in the sitting room,
when my door bell rang, waking me up. I
cursed, scratched my head and answered
the door. Of course it turned out to be no
other person than Mary. She stared at me with fear in her eyes, her right hand
shivered under the weight of a polythene
bag she held. I stood unmoved, blocking
her way with an angry stare.
She nervously watched me for some
seconds, not knowing what to make of my mood.
"what's up with you?, what's
happening?.What did i do wrong?" she
asked with a frightened voice. I scoffed,
drawing back a little, putting more fear
into her with my behaviour. I was very determined to end everything that
moment. I wasn't scared of the
consequence nor any bit scared of hurting
her christian heart. All i cared for
was myself and myself alone. She meant
nothing to me. "i beg of you. In God's name, what's
happening?" she asked again. Tears
quickly formed in her eyes, but i wasn't
perturbed. I was very determined and

>> Episode 6 LOADING

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