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No Teaching Practise without proper preparation , EKSU TOP Student Leaders meet with Eksu DIRECTOR

Sequel to the Teaching Practise Memo that was released by EKSU,management  Ila Chapter which stated to commence on Monday February 27th 2017 for 200L & 300L students respectively!  The EKSU  General Governor , Sen. Olowolagba Moshood alongside with Some Executives and 300l Representative,  200L Representatives and some concerned students meet with the Deputy Director of EKSU in person of Dr. Mrs Oladosu today Friday 24th February 2017 to Know what prompt the sudden released of the Teaching Practise memo.

The meeting which lasted for 3hours plus in which the Deputy Director and the EKSU Secretary,  they made all the students present there to understand the fact that they are just acting based on the directives been given by the EKSU Main campus.

She said further, that they are only trying to fasten up the programme so that they can meet up with the EKSU main campus calendar!

Based on General Governor reaction, Sen.  Olowolagba said  the Teaching Practise exercise cannot be agree upon and start because 200l students are yet to giving proper orientation and preparation about the exercise and moreover,  the course that discuss and emphasize about the exercise are yet to be taught i.e ( EDU 200 and EDU 204 ) and these might cause or lead to poor result and poor performances if the said exercise are to be commence.

Also,  Com Okiki also added that,  the issue of the Teaching Practise might cause a great disaster for EKSU itself if they don't put everything into consideration before the TP commence.

Also,  300L Representative Com. OBA,  which he decided to speak fluently in his mother language and say " Awon 300l so pe ao le se TP kan kan " meaning that " We  300l students are not ready for any Teaching Practise".

200L representative , Lady Com. Tobiloba ( Agric Department)  also added that the Teaching Practise exercise cannot be commence without proper Orientation and preparation.

Others issues that were tendered are;
** 2014/15 second Semester Examination Results
** Admission Letter Problem on Jamb Website
** Incorrect Level and Departmental issues on EKSU Student portal.
** EKSU Schools fee issues.

In lieu of this,  the EKSU general governor now urge and plead to the Deputy director to find something to do about the teaching practise issue , also to the aforementioned  Issues and plead that the Teaching practise exercise should commence immediately after the second semester examination!

The deputy director later conclude her statement that she will be going for a meeting concerning the TP issue and she promised to feed us back whatever the  outcome of the meeting may be and also take a proper actions about the above mentioned issue's .



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