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Best way to Save Or Reduce Background Consumption of Data Network on Computer

In this Tutorial,  you are going to know how to save the high data usage of your computer system and how to reduce the background consumption of data network on your computer system.

To save the data Usage of your computer system,
Firstly!  You have to disable the following options on your computer system!

To disable your window automatic update;

GO TO Control Panel —-> View by —> Large icons —->
Windows Update —-> Change Settings—-> Important Updates
—-> Never Check for Updates—-> OK

This based on the type of Browser you may be using,  and for your PC not to be consuming mich data,  you have to disable their Updates.

To disable Updates in MOZILLA Firefox and Google Chrome , See below:

==>> Disable Mozilla Firefox updates

Open Mozilla Firefox —-> Options —-> Advanced —-> Update—->Select Never Check for Updates—-> OK

==>> Disable Google Chrome Updates
Right Click on MY Computer —-> Manage —->
Services and Applications —-> Services —>
Disable the Google Update Services —-> Restart the Computer

For you to save your data consumption on your computer system,  you have to disable your Anti-Virus Automatic Update , so that the application won't be updating itself automatically when the data network is on!  

Now,  to disable your Anti-Virus update, Double Click on the Anti-virus program and Open;  then Navigate to SETTING TABS: Now look for UPDATE tab.  Then Disable the Automatic Update and set to " Never Check For Update " . Then you are Done.

With all the Above mentioned steps,  Your data service will  save more on data Usage and you will be enjoying your Data service for longer period!

So enjoy!
Hope these tutorial helps alot! 

Please drop your comment or Suggest the possible methods you think one can use to save the high consumption of data Network.


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