Ignore the rumors, Ossceolofofo.com Media is not controlled by any parties. ( Details Here ).
Following with the rumors that was spread,the Director of Ossceolofofo.com has released a Press Statement to News Room of OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM MEDIA Today.
Our Reports gathered that rumors has spread over that OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM Media is been controlled and managed by some Political parties, group of peoples!
But Today, I, The Director of the Media came on Air to deny the statement because this kinds of statement can only be uttered from some gullible idiotic fellows in which they don't want the development of themselves and their citizens.
OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM is a division of Heroes Research Technology Team in which our primary mission is to contribute positively to the growth of our community.
HEROES RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY TEAM has been on existence since 2011 , started in Osogbo , Osun State, Nigeria before they came about reviewing their name. Check more about Heroes Team via www.heroesteam.ga .
In June 2015, Heroes Team launched a NeWS forum portal for Osun state college of education, ILA orangun in order to build the space between Students and Campus at large. Ossceilagists.com exist till June 2016 when reviewing came upon and in which the name changes to OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM .
Heroes Team Also proceeded by establishing a Media Organization for the so-called OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM Media as for the media to have a standard operations .
Although, OSSCEOLOFOFO.com is a division of HEROES TEAM, but the staffs of the two organization are different and this what also brings HEROES TECH KONCEPT (Sub-Divison) as for it to be monitoring the operations of the media.
To cut the story short, OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM is only Powered, controlled and managed by HEROES TECH KONCEPT., no political parties, no management, no staffs are controlling the media.
Heroes Tech KONCEPT has sacrifice itself for the successful installation of OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM Media , both financially; socially and economically.
On OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM Media, you can read the news at the same time that the media are reading it. It is all here.. the good oil.. the whole story..the whole speech..what the Provost really said, not what the reporter heard them say. Better yet you get to hear it when the Dean said it. Not tomorrow.
OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM MEDIA is not restricted to only Ossce,ILA Campus news rather Operated as Gbobal News Dissemination.
OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM MEDIA believes in the power of information to transform lives. It believes in the power of the internet to resolve conflict. And it believes in the power of compelling ideas to propel themselves into political consciousness if they are able to get exposure and be debated.
OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM Media is, necessarily, a forum that is neither censored through its own prejudices nor controlled by a multinational media conglomerate.
Therefore OSSCEOLOFOFO. COM's mission is: "To be an agent of positive change for Ossce,ILA Orangun and its society at large."
Please , if there is anything you need to know about OSSCEOLOFOFO.COM Media, don't hesitate to drop the question in the comments box below!
Director of Ossceolofofo.com Media.
CC: Ossce,ILA Management;
365Loaded Media;
BwGists Media:
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