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Breaking News: Donald Trump Wins US Presidential Election ( Photos ) - www.ossceolofofo.com

Republican Donald Trump has defeated his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the US election and will become the 45th President of the United States, ABC election Analyst Antony Green says.

The Republican took the key swing states of Florida, North Carolina and Ohio early this morning, as he marched towards the White House.

In an extraordinary development, Mrs Clinton did not initially concede the election - but then later called Mr Trump to congratulate him on his victory.
The Republican surpassed expectations and confounded pollsters in Florida, where Mrs Clinton had been expected to win following a surge in the Hispanic vote.

Mrs Clinton's hopes of a swift victory faded as the Republican picked up a series of states early on and maintained his momentum.

SOURCE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/donald-trump-set-for-us-election-victory-in-americas-brexit/


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