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In the Previous Article, we talked about the Top Application software to have on a computer system as a Beginner, In which we have emphasize on ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE which is the number one top Application to have on a computer system. but today We are moving down to the Number two Top application to have on a computer system which is TYPING TUTOR.

2.       TYPING TUTOR: This is a type of application software that is basically used to learn how to use a computer keyboard very well. It is a kind of Application programs that teach one on how to type faster with a computer keyboard.

Among the top typing application software we have are:
1)       Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor

2)      Letter Case Typing Tutor

3)      Rapid Typing Tutor

4)      Typing Master Tutor

And many more.

With these above listed Typing tutor, you can learn how to type on a computer system faster and become a professional desktop user.
Though, some people ignore this application, because they think is not necessary for one to undergo a typing tutor before s/he can become a computer genius.
Also, we have some people that can type 300word in less than 10minutes while we also have some people that can type at the same range in less than 1hour. \
But these above software, it can also improve one typing skill and be more faster than expected. It doesn’t exclude a professional, you can be a professional desktop user and won’t know how to type very well but it will be encouraging if a professional desktop user knows how to type very well.
You can also give those listed application program a try by getting one of those and installed it on your computer system.
To download any of the above software online. Just logon to Google search, and search for the desire one.

In the next Article, we will expatiate more on the Typing Tutor software
Good Luck.
Written and Edited by: BILAWU AYOYINKA ( HERO ).

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