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STORY : The Diary Of Dube ... Episode 3

i woke up early in the morning.say some little prayers.i took my bath.brushed my teeth. no food to take.coz i don’t want my mother’s wahala.
I zoomed off to MK DONX hopefuly to start work.coz i strongly believe that i will pass the interview. i got to the company and met the same people i saw the othe day. Some
were coming out smiling while some kept a straight face which shows that they didn’t qualify.
It finally got to my turn.i got in and sat down as the MD commanded.
MD.you are erm.chidubem john?.
ME:yes sir.(i said smiling).
MD.we have concluded the interviews.and the results.
ME: okay sir.when am i going to start.
MD.we are sorry. mr chidubem.you are not among the people that we selected for the job.you are not qualified for the job.we are sorry once again.
ME: hot tears from no were started dropping from my eyes. the MD saw
it but didn’t say any word.i became
frustrated.i nearly gave up at that
moment.coz that job was my hope.i
wanted to shame my so called
mother that i can make it in life.but
look at me now.hopeless and
ME:thank you sir. I said to him and
left his office.i stood at the road
looking left and right.were am i
going to go from here.i decided to
visit my uncle.who is very rich and
working at one of the biggest
company in town.although i knew
my uncle is very stingy but i kept the
feeling aside.let me go and see
whether he will help me with work or
money.atleast if he help me with
money.i will use it to start a better
business.i concluded.
On my way.i started feeling hungry.i
brought out my wallet and open
it.chai!i only have 150 naira with me.i
took the hundred naira and bought a
galla and one sachet of water.total
of sixty naira.i gave them the
hundred naira.i decided to put the
wallet back inside my pocket.i looked
up and i didn’t see the galla seller
again.he ran away with my fourty
naira balance.i search and looked for
him.i didn’t see anything that looks
like him.then i gave up and continue
my journey to my uncle’s house.God
go judge that guy wey carry my
fourty naira change run.*i curse
under my breath*i ate the galla like
a hungry lion.till i consumed all of
30 minutes later.i got to my uncle’s
duplex.i knocked and his gate man
open the gate for me.not without
some questions.
I went inside his house and found
out that my uncle wasn’t around.his
wife asked me to wait for him that he
will soon be back.she asked me
whether i have eaten anything.i
sincerely answered her NO.minutes
later.she brought some food for
me.rice and some chicken.before i
could spell my mother’s name.i have
consumed the food and chilled it
down with some cold juice.wow!life
is good if you have money.i forgot
my sorrow instantly.look at how my
uncle’s wife is shining because of
money.my uncle’s wife wey no fine
before.now look at what money has
done to her.she is now looking fine.i
must make money o.whether good
or bad.she saw me staring at her.
and she smiled and said.
U.WIFE.why are you staring at me.do
you like me?.
ME: look at this woman) noo.i wasn’t
looking at you.
U.WIFE.is a lie.i saw you looking at
me.what were you thinking?.
ME:alright i agreed.am sorry.i wasn’t
thinking anything.
U.WIFE.hmm.hope is not what a
thinking.let my husband not catch
you looking at me that way you
did.other wise..hmm.(she said
ME: okay.i have heard you.
My uncle finally came back.i
agreeted him.he shook me and
ordered me to sit down.her wife was
busy staring at me.(i wonder what
she was thinking).
UNCLE.dube.this one you came to
my house today.hope all is well.
ME:not really sir. I narrated the
reason i came to him.after my long
speech.i beg him to help me with job
or money.(of course he is very
rich.he has his own company).
UNCLE.dube.i have heard you.i wish i
can help you.in my company there is
no vacancy again.every were is filled
with workers.you can’t work in my
company.you are not qualified to
work there.
My uncle knows that i came out in
the university with first class.(no be
moi moi na)he still insist that am
not qualified to do the job.his wife
begged him on my behalf.but all her
pleading didn’t move my uncle.
He only offered me a job to be his
wife driver.that he will be paying me
twelve(12)thousand naira every
month.i wanted to reject the offer
but his wife begged me to accept the
job.i looked at myself.a graduate like
me.doing a house driving.i got no
choice.my mother is always on my
neck.i just want to leave the house
for her.i know that i need a job.but
not as cheap as this one.well half
bread is better than non.i finally
accept the job.my uncle’s wife was
very happy. i can see it on her face.i
don’t know what is making her
happy.only time will tell.
Today is monday.They asked me to
resume work on thursday.i will be
leaving with them.
UNCLE.you will resume work on
thursday.but for now.take this for
yourself.(he handed me a naira
Guess how much my rich uncle gave
me?just five hundred naira note.was
all my uncle could offer me.WHAT A LIFE.

To Be Continued After Some Comment. 

Episode 4Loading..

NOTE: OOM is not the Author of the story.

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