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STORY : The Diary Of Dube ... Episode 2 ( FLASH BACK )

I was in my room laying down hopelessly. when my old
c2 nokia phone ring. i looked at the screen and found
out that it was unknown number calling.i hesitate for
a while before i finally picked the call.
ME.hello please.who is this?.
CALLER. Hello sir.please am i up to chidubem john?.
ME:Yes.please who is this?.
CALLER: alright.you are speaking with mr Ade from MK
Immediately i head the name.i stood up from my
laying position.to hear the caller very well.coz i
sumitted my CV with them.for a very long time.
ME: okay sir.go ahead.
MR ADE:you are called to come for an interview on
thursday morning.come along with you cridentials
while coming.the interview will start by 10am
thursday morning.good bye.(he hung the call).
I wasn’t happy nor sad with the news.coz that wasn’t my first time of sitting for an interview.
I washed and starched the only new shirt i have.i iron
it very well both the black trouser that only new
trouser left for me.i clean and polish my old black
shoe.and kept them. I arranged my cridentials in my
file and kept them at my reading table inside my room.
THURSDAY finally came as expected.i woke up very
early.i took my bath and ate the left over pourage yam
in the house.i dress up with my well iron shirt and
trouser. check the time and it was 7am already.i took
my cridentials and left the house.to avoid traffic wahala.
The journey from my house to MK DONX.is two hours
and thirty minutes.is a little bit far.finally.by 9.30am i
was standing face to face with one of the biggest
company in town.MK DONX.i went inside the company
and saw multitude of people who came for the same interview.neat young guys/girls some with classic cars
who came for the same interview.my dressing was
nothing compare with ones i saw.mine was like a rag
to there own dressing.i automatically counted myself
out to get the job.i was dejected and ashamed of what
i wore.God.if you help me to get this job.i will forever be grateful to you.infact i will divide my first salary
into two and give you one.please i have suffered
alot.help me.i prayed to myself.
One hour later.the interview.kicked off.some minutes
later.i was called to go and face my faith.
I went in and the person that was handling the interview.ordered me to sit down.i sat.then he start.
MD.your name is chidubem john. right.
ME:yes sir.(i handed my photor copy credentials to
MD.why do you need this job.and how will you make
an impact to the developement and glory of this company.if you are employe?.
ME:sir.first of all.i need the job for financial
reasons.and as a young man i am. i promise to put in
all my best by working harder.to help the company
grow further.i won’t let the company down.if am
employe. MD.alright.you have spoken well.come back on
monday for your result.luckly if you pass you will start
work the following day.okay.
ME: okay sir.thank you sir. I stood up and left the
I boarded a bike home. with the only dirty two hundred naira left with me.hoping that monday
should come ASAP.coz i know that i will surely get the
job. I got home and met my mother at the sitting
ME:good afternoon.mum.
She kept silent and hissed loud.i didn’t care for her behaviour coz it wasn’t her first time of doing that.so
am use to it.i made to go when she called me back.
MOTHER.dube or whatever yo call yourself. were are
you coming from?.
ME:i went for an interview mother.
MOTHER.always going for an interview.those ones you have gone before.what did you get from it?.
ME:mother.don’t say that.this one is going to be
difference.am very sure that i will get this job.
MOTHER.that is your own business.who finish that
pourage yam that i kept at the pot last night?.
ME:it’s me. MOTHER.who told you to eat it.didn’t you eat your own
last night?eeh tell me.so it has gotten to this.to be
entering my kitchen any time you like.without my..(i
cut her in.
ME:mother.please.why don’t you allow me to have
peace of mind in this house.am i the only person that don’t have a job in this town?just because of ordinary
pourage yam.you are insulting me.i don’t like it at
all.instead of you to pray and encourage me.to get a
good job and take care of you.rather you are pushing
me aside
MOTHER:so you have grown up enough to exchange words with me right?you dare open this your smelly
mouth to talk back at me.shameless child.i regretted
giving birth to you.look at what your mates are doing
for there mother.buying wrappers.jewelries and even
cars.for there mother.and you are here eaten my left
over food everyday.are you not ashame of yourself? answer me.
ME:see mother.i don’t have your time.but i promise
you.i will suprise you one day in a big way.mark my
word.i pray you shall leave and see my success.
I said to her and left to my room.what kind of a
mother is this.who only care for material things. than her son’s life.she said that she regretted giving birth to
me.while me.i regretted having her as a mother.

To Be Continued After Some Comment.

Episode 3 Loading..

NOTE: OOM is not the Author of the story.

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