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STORY : The Diary Of Dube ... Episode 1 ( FLASH BACK )


Dube.how long will you be eaten my food.you are 28
years old and you are still in your father’s house.are you not ashamed of yourself. go and make money.all
your mate are in the city doing well.making
money.and taking good care of there parents.are you
difference from them?eeh tell me.if you don’t leave
this house for me in peace.you will leave in pieces.look
at moris.the son of mazi nnamdi.he has built an upstair for his parents in this village.is he not your
mate?.go and make money in the city ooo.am tired of
giving you my food everyday.i need new wrappers and
jewelries.go and make money and remove shame in
me.this is too much.i can’t keep quiet any more.
That was the voice of my mother.telling me to go and make money.well she is right.i should be the one
feeding my parents.not the other way round.but it
wasn’t my fault.am tired of carrying files day in day
out in the hot scorching sun.from one office to
another.still no job.i have done some menia jobs to
please my parents expecially my mother.but she never get satisfied.she always pushing me.comparing me
with my mates who are doing well.am tired of her.
My name is chidubem.but friends and family call me
Dube.in short word. I am 28 years old and a graduate
of IMSU i studied accounting. graduated two years ago with first class.which am very pround to say..i did my
NYSC the following year.after serving my father’s land.i
started hunting for job.from one office to another for
the pass two years.but i havn’t got any positive reply
from any of the banks that i applied.i have gone many
interviews.all there replies was.go we will call you if you are qualified for the job.i have waited and waited
and waited.but no call came.which made me to come
back to the village to stay with my parents.i havn’t got
any peace of mind through out my stay. here in the
village.from one problem to another.my mother
wasn’t helping the matter at all.she always forcing and pushing me out to go and make money.my ex
girlfriend SUSAN by name.broke up with me.because i
was broke.i can remember the conversation that lead
to our departure.
SUSAN:baby m.i want to tell you something.
ME:go ahead dear. SUSAN.please help me with fifty(50)thousand naira.i
want to use it and do a little shoping.
MEr dear.i don’t have such amount of money with
me.please pardone me.
SUSAN.i don’t understand.you mean you don’t have
common fifty thousand naira with you?. ME:baby i wish i have that amount you just said.please
bear with me.
SUSAN.ok.how much do you have?.
ME:erm.i only have.five(5)thousand naira with me.my
last card.things are not going well with me.please
manage it. SUSAN.you can’t be serious dube.ordinary fifty
thousand naira.you don’t have.and you said you love
ME:yes susan. i love you with all my heart.
SUSAN.then give me the money na.
ME:i said i don’t have.do you want me to steal?. SUSAN.as you don’t have the money for me.i will
simply go and meet those that will give me the
money.infact this relationship is over.
ME:how do you mean.please don’t do this to me.
SUSAN.am sorry dube.i can’t continue this relationship
with you.you can’t give me the life i wish to leave.you can’t solve my financia problem as a boyfriend you
are.please this relationship is over.just go your way let
me go my way.i already have another boyfriend.who
can take good care of me. That was how susan and i broke up.i suffered a heart
broken for some months before i consoled myself and
moved on.life wasn’t fair to me.i have suffered alot. to
the extends working as a labourer in an ongoing
building.which i havn’t done before.

No friend to talk to.all my friends has left me because of my condition.some are in the city.doing one work
or the other.am even ashame of myself now.i’m now
looking very unkept.no money to buy new clothes.no
money to shave my beards.WHAT A LIFE.


NOTE: OOM is not the Author of the story.
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