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Easiest Way to Have an Open Relationship ( MUST READ )

Don't think having an open relationship  can’t work , yes it can work if you set some ground rules.

If you are so anxious about an open relationship, but not sure where to start? Maybe you’ve talked about it with your partner but don’t know how to move forward. I will write on some tips on how to go  about it.

Below are some ways to help you move begin opening up. Remember, all relationship are unique, so use this ways/tips as a stepping stone of your relationship.

1.    Put it all out on the table:

If you’ve  been anxious about making your relationship open, the first and most important thing to do is discuss it with your partner.

Make sure you both are calm and have plenty of time to chat, be sensitive when bringing it up, but be clear and honest with your emotions.


2.     Set some ground rules:

Once you are sure that both of you want to go forward, sit down and make a list of boundaries ( NOR DO & DON’T ) that both of you are comfortable with. Because it’s important to be compromising in a relationship. This is not the place to bend-over backward. Make your opinions know and don’t hold back.

Also, we have some common rules people use but I’ll advise you  not to follow these, do what’s right for each other. Each Relationship is unique like I said and its important to find what will work for you.


3.     Don’t be afraid to speak up

If you make rules that don’t work and you feel sad or unhappy, be sure to  have room for adjustment. Be patient with each other and the fog/hidden will start to clear.


4.     Decide what you are comfortable hearing about;

Tell each other what  you like and  what you don’t , don’t keep anything from each other, let trust and understand the foundation of your relationship.

5.     Don’t cheat;

                Your open relationship works out only when you have trust and once that’s gone you have nothing .


6.     Don’t force issues;

If it is  not working for one of you ,it is not working for both of you. Open relationship do not work if only one is happy. You  may come to a point where you will no longer need the open relationship or you may come to a point where you will no longer want to stay in a committed relationship.

Lastly , open relationships are about working together to make your partnership exactly what you want it to be. If you’re honest, communicate frequently or opened and use these tips/ways above, believe me you will go far. 
It'z Christie Bamz !




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