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Story: Sister Mary ( Episode 7 ) - www.ossceolofofo.com

Sister Mary...


Episode 7 .
I moved on with my life the next day.
My busy office
schedule helped forget all about Mary
and her problems. Jboy couldn't believe his ears after i
narrated how i sent
Mary away from my apartment. He was
extremely pleased
and according to his words 'he wouldn't
have done any better'.
I never heard from Mary for the rest of
that week and the next, which was a
very welcomed development. I equally
stopped attending her church and moved
over to catholic church which was my true church of baptism{where i was
baptized as a child}.
After laying low for a while, by keeping
to myself. I started another wonderful
relationship with a colleague, a very
pretty damsel who was just transferred to our office from Akure.
Chioma being a professional and an
experienced girl, refused to give into my
too many tricks, thus making our
relationship a boring but respectful one.
I slowly began to grow more fond of her much to Jboy's surprise.
Two weeks later, precisely on a sunday
evening. I was relaxing in a quiet bar
with Chioma, Jboy and his new girlfriend
when a phone call from Mary came
through. I ignored the call, frowning slightly
while my mind flashed
back to the memorable times i had with
"only if she never played that church
stunt on me, perhaps we would still have been together" I
Mary called four times which i carefully
ignored. She then
sent a text message which totally
shattered my mind. My eyes enlarged as i read it while my
hands shook.
were the words she
sent. Very short and precise but enough
to send my nerves flying.
The evil that we guys do often lives with
us, but surely i
wasn't ready to live with mine.
She was the least person i wanted as the
mother of my children. I was left with no choice than
to act fast, by doing what exactly??

>> Episode 7 LOADING
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