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I am not in support of either the government or Ossce,ila Coeasu Member - Aggrieved Student Voice Out.

Following with the Resumption of Osun state College of Education,Ila Orangun.
One of the aggrieved students of the institution has voice his mind out.
One of the Student identified as ***** wrote this aggrieved message on his Facebook timeline today.



My names are Ikioda michael popularly knw as MICCZY OMO-OPE.A degree student of Ekiti state university in college of education ila orangun.
Firstly, I dont know the reason why we have been delayed to resume, the government said in a news that we should resume but coasu union Is opposes that why? Because they are fighting for the removal of Niyi akande whereby wasting thousands of student time I am not in support of either the government nor the coasu union all I know right now is they are wasting our time.am writing this specially for any coasu member to see and read please let us resume back to lectures enough of this strike aint u ashame at all every year there must be a strike if all of you are ashame (coasu) please let us resume
Am neither a comrade nor a politician
But the voice to the voiceless and sense to the senseless
Ikioda Michael


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