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He is incompetent and not capable, OSSCE Students react as OSSCE SUG President, Com.ABDUL absent in the peaceful protest in the college

Following with the ongoing sit down and look ,that is affecting Osun state college of Education, Ila Orangun.

The Concerned students of the college came to the campus to see how the issues is going but to there suprise, The campus was as dry as desert interms of students. But with some of them around , they gathered to organize a peaceful protest which they believe the protest should be led by the Student Union President. Com. Abdul but which he was no where to be found, While trying to reach him through his mobile number and to their suprise, but he was not answering there calls.  The Protest which was later led by the Senate President of the Student Union of the college and this made the concerned students to be calling the Student Union President ( Com. ABdul ) as incapable, Incompetent and not funtional.
The protest which later result to a congress of some Staffs leader and the concerend Students and ended up annoying.


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